
Table of Contents

The Odisha Police suffers the credibility crisis

The high handedness of the Odisha Police and The Commissionerate police caused the debacle of the 24 years old running BJD government from the state in 2024 assembly election and when new BJP government was formed they don’t believe in any senior police officer for the post and the DGP and one IPS Mr. y. Khurania was imported from outside and made the DGP of the police department which is nothing but the big shame for the senior IPS of Odisha cadare.

The Tainted IPS officer Mr. Aun Bothra was given the charge of CID-CB who implicated the innocent college professor in the PATNAGARH BOMB Blast Case and one college Student of the Nayagarh PARI Murder and Rape case.

The accused CCL was sentenced to 20 years of punishment illegally and arbitrarily but asking the question to whop judiciary that when the victim’s parents did not utter a single word in evidence against him in court then how he was convicted for 20 years.

In the Bharatpur PS. incident the State Police Department acted like an Ostrich for 72 hours and then suspended five policemen when they were put under pressure. The pressure was created since the victims have the whole Army with then so on can think about the common people who also suffered this type of harassment, illegal detention, illegal arrest, illegal authorization to jail custody by the judicial magistrate, and waiting for their turn to get justice.

Even if the Home department  submitted before the Supreme Court that each police stations under the Commissionerate Police have two departments one for law & order and another for investigation of the cases. The Bharatpur PS. as they refused to chase the accused student of Road Rash on the complaint of Ankita Pradhan and Army Major.


Bharatpur Police Station- the torture and Extortion centre.

The Tainted police officers have been made the IIC of the model police station

A Tainted police officer MR. Dinakrushna Mishra has been made the Inspector In charge of the Model police station like the Bharatpur Police Station of Bhubaneswar under the Commissionerate Police-Bhubaneswar-UPD ( Urban Police Department )

Accused of Baliyatra Cycle Stand Owner Extortionc case.

The IIC was removed from Cuttack-UPD for bribery and extortion charges but since the posts and police stations are bought and sold in Odisha so the Police department took bribe and sold to Model police station to the IIC.

He was found threatening and abusing the Cycle Stand owner for the extortion amount and the same us operated under the very knwoledge, protection and supervision of the senior officers like ACP, DCP and CP. 

During the Baliyatra in Cuttack this officer blocked the traffic to those cycle stand who are not obeyed his direction of the extortion demand and not allowed the Advocate T.K. Dwibedi and his family to park their bike and Car to a particular cycle stand.

Running Extortion & Paisa Vahooli Racket as he collected bribe from the Cattle & Cow Smugllers when he was posted in the Angul District

The DGP office is collecting the amount from these corrupt natured offficers as the posts and police stations are bought and sold.

IIC demanded Rs.4.50 lakh to vacant an illegally occupied house from the owner Shri Biswajeet Swain who resides in Germany for work.

FIR did not get registered against the local corporator Deepak Mishra & Others the IIC and ACOP demanded Rs.4.50 lakh to vacant the illegally occupied house
The IIC and ACP took bribe from the corporator

Syndicate with Bike Lifters.

The IIC also demanded bribe from one Mr. Devendra Bhutia for the registration of the FIR in the bike theft case on Dt. 28-08-2024. The victim ran pole to pillar for the registration of FIR, The ACP and DCP refused to register the FIR also and when the matter highligheted in media then only the same was registered on Dt. 01-09-2024  only but the police compelled the vitcim to write the Date of Incident as 30-08-2024 to coverup their sin or so that the acquital should be provided to the accused in the court as he is the partnet in crime and one of the main source of illegal inocme for the policemen.

The complaints are being filed against the IIC before the as the Bike is not yet recovered even of the Constable recognized the thieve from CCTV footage and afterward the victim was told that his bike is dismantled and the engine is used in a boat.;

False Implication and Custodial Torture of Soumya Ranjan Sethi a SC community member.

01. That, his FIR did not get registered in the Bharatpur PS. on Dt. 06-05-2024
02. That, the victim has been detained in the police station for hours illegally and arbitrarily Even if he was suffering grievous injury caused by the Opp. party 
03. That, his evidence, date of the facts, and incidents have been tempered by the IIC and ACP to provide the acquittal to the accused people.
04. That, the IIC and the ACP compelled the victim to compromise with the accused and withdraw the case against the accused people who caused the Grevious injury to the victim. 
05. That, the SI Sagarika Rath and SI Subrat Kumar Behera have assaulted the victim in the police station, misbehaved using caste-based slangs and assaulted the victim in the police station on the instigation of IIC and ACP 
06. That the DCP Prateek Singh refused to take cognizance into the matter and not inspecting the police station under Odisha PMR No. 37(a) 
07. That the DSs of Khurda District are inspecting the police stations under Odisha PMR No. 21. thus making the police station a torture and extortion center.
08. That, the CCTV camera and recording system of the Bharatpur PS have been removed under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy but the senior officers and DM did not report the same the Home Department of competent authority (s).

False Implication and Custodial Torture of Pankaj Nayak

  1. District Police Complaint Authority
  2. Odisha Human Rights Commission
  3. Lokayukta, Odisha etc. 
  4. State Police Complaint Authority
  5. SC/ST and minority Community Department
  6. Home department against the DMs of Khurda
  7. FIR agaisnt the erring police officer.

The Tainted IIC is not only the extortionist but a land Grabber and Mafia.

It is a universal fact that the Bharatpur Police station has become the torture and extortion center.

The accused of murders have been made the ACP of the Bharatpur Police station

  • A Tainted police officer Mr. Tapas Kumar Pradhan has been made the ACP of the of the Model police station like the Bharatpur Police Station of Bhubaneswar under the Commissionerate Police-Bhubaneswar-UPD ( Urban Police Department )

The ACP is specifically implanted in Commissionerate Police since last 15 Yrs to operate the Extortion and Paisa Vashooli Racket.

This ACP is specifically implanted in the commissionerate police since last 15 years and never gets transferred from the district and each time his transfer was stopped after taking a bribe from him by the competent authority as he operates the Paisa Vashooli Racket for the Commissionerate police.

He is a Sachin Waze of Odisha. Specifically, it was implanted in the Commissionerate police, Cuttack-Bhubaneswar for long so that the Extortion and illegal collection of money racket could be operated smoothly.

Wherever the tainted ACP is going he is converting the police station under his jurisdiction the torture and extortion centre by;

  • Removing the CCTV camera and recording system
  • By Appointing the tainted and corrupt IIC and other police men.
  • Implicating innocent in false cases if the extortion amount is not paid
  • Implicating innocent in false crime if the bribe is paid by Opp. party
  • Implication innocent in false crime whoever raised his voice.
  • He is not following the rule of law as seniors are not inspecting the PS.
  • He has been hijacked the magistrate’s court also to send the innocent in jail
  • His partner in crime ACP Trinath Mishra was caught by the vigillance but he is roaming freely scto-free in the society searching for pray.
  • He pays crore of ruppe to the DGP office and Home Department to cancell his tranfer and not to invoke any departmental inquiry as he is the blue-eyes boy for the odisha police.



The ACP killed the businessman Shah Nawaz Khan of Kendrapra and became the IO of the same case and investigated.

This ACP used to Operated the Paisa Vahooli Racket in Kendrapara also in the Name of TITO and Haedar Gangs and extorted crore of rupees from businessmen and other and caused the murder of one SHAH NAWAZ KHAN of Kendrapara and became the IO of the same case and falsely implicated 13 innocent in the case but all 12 acquitted from the charges and the prosecution tory failed miserably but after killing his father in the false encounter killing the son of the deceased Sk Haedear , Mr. Munna@Kadir was convicted like IPL T20 cricket match after 10 years.

The ACP falsely implicate a lady Reshma Bibi in false murder case who has been acquitted from the charges and filed complaint before the OHRC, Mahula commission and Lokayukta.

She has been given Rs.5000/- by the ACP to come to Kendrapara and when she came the ACP arrested her and sent her to jail for which she has to spent 18 months in jail but acquitted from the charges. the victim lady filed complaints before;
  • The OHRC
  • The Lokayukta
  • The District Police complaint Authority
  • The OSCW.

The ACP extorted Rs.1.50 lakh from the Owner of the Ambica Garment of Marshaghai

The ACP also extorted Rs.1.50 Lakh from the Owner of the Ambica Garment of Marshagahi to provide protection from the gangsters and provided two constable for six months as security cover but did not registered the FIR of extortion demand.

The ACP demanded an extorted Rs.5.00 lakh from the one Devi Sharma and did not allower her to construct her house till now.


He also demanded Rs.5.00 lakh from Smt. Devi Sharma while he was the IIC of the Purighat Police Station in colussion with the Raja Bagicha Puja Commitee 

The ACP extorted Rs.5.00 lakh from Vandana Meheshwari in collusion with Raja Bagicha Puja Commitee.

He extorted Rs.5.00 from one Vandana Maheshwari to construct her house.

The ACP killed the convicted accused Sk Haedar of Kendrapara on a lonely road

The named FIR is registered in the Simulia Police Station against this ACP by the wife of Sk Haeder who was a convicted prisoner and was killed in a lonely road on Dt. 24-07-2021 by the ACP and his gang but he is still appointed as a police officer and roaming freely scot-free.

The ACP killed one Bharat Mandal of Cuttack in custody

The ACP also caused the death of one Bharat Mandal on Cuttack and paid brine to NHRC and OHRC and two jobs illegally to the two sisters of the deceased to shut their mouth.

The ACP killed the Software Developer Iswar Sharma and his brother in Cuttack

During the incident of Bharatpur Ps the Tainted ACP came and scolded the victim and directed the IIC to implicate Ankita Pradhan in the false criminal case as he did in the Markat Nagar Police Station in 2018 also. listen to this video from 7.00 min onwards.

Ankita Pradhan was arrested for violating the rule of law as she was not informed of the charges and her statement u/s 189 of BNSS-2023 was not appreciated.

A complaint is filed against the ACP & IIC before the District Police Complaint Authority of Bhubaneswar.

The ACP detailed a minor Anil Nayak & his mother in the Purighat police station in the night & demanded Rs.20K as extortion to release them.


The ACP detained one Auto Rickshaw driver Sarat Naik in Purighat PS illegally for two days and was subjected to custodial torture. 

The ACP along with other police officers of the Odisha Police used to go to the residence of Sk Haeder to collect the extortion money.

When the wife of Sk Haedar Hasina Bibi installed the CCTV camera to curve the same they stopped comming but her husband was killed like a street dog on Dt. 24-07-2021 on the lonely road of NH. under the simulia police station.

The ACP visited illegally to Chowdwar Jail to Threatened the convict Muna@Kadir to withdraw the complaints

The family of the deceased Sk Haedar have filed many complaint before the fourms such as Simulia Police Station, Cantonment PS, NHRC, OHRC, Lokayukta, DPCA, Minority commission etc. against the false encounter killing of Sk Haedar.
The ACP along with Ajay Das , the IIC of Choudwar Ps Mr. RAshmi Ranjan visited the Chodwar Jail illegally and thereatened the son of the deceased Muna@Kadir to withdraw the complaints other wise he will also be killed like his father. 
The Jailor of the Choudwar Jail transferred Muna@Kadir to Bhubaneswar Jail for the same.

The ACP instigated his partner in crime Mr. Arun Kumar Mishra to visit the Bhubaneswar Jail the threatened and instigated the jail authority to harass the prisoner.

The accused of murders have been made the DCP of Bhubaneswar-UPD

A Tainted police officer MR. Prateek Singh has been made the DCP of the Bhubaneswar-UPD even if the name FIR is lodged in different police stations, OHRC, NHRC, Lokayukta for causing the death of the prisoner Sk Haedar in 2021.

This DCP considers himself larger than life and above the law and never registered any FIR u/s 154(1) of the CrPC.,1973 and 173(1) of the BNSS-2023.

This DCP was found misrepresenting the whole nation by giving media bytes to the ANI about the incidents at the Bharatpur Police station without verifying the facts. Thus, giving clean chit to the erring IIC and other policemen who were suspended at later stage misled the whole nation and thus caused a credibility crisis.

This DCP never meets with the aggrieved people as if he is the GOVERNOR of the state or PRESIDENT of India thus working in isolation under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy.

One Devendra Bhutia went to the DCP officer being aggrieved by the inaction of the IIC of Bharatpur PS. but he was not allowed to meet the DCP. in this was the commissionerate police functions.

This DCP never inspects any police station as per the provision of Odisha PMR No. 37(a) and the same has been done under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy, intentionally, dishonestly, fraudulently, and for wrongful gain and this deceitful means has caused injury to 100 of 1000 of people.

More than 100 complaints are filed against this DCP before the SPCA, OHRC, NHRC, and Lokayukta but this named murderer is still holding the DCP post.

The Erring DCP Prateek Singh has been removed as the DCP, Bhubaneswar-UPD on Dt. 29-09-2024. घटना के बाद इनको जिल्ला-बदर कर दिया गया है 


Custodial Violence in the Bharatpur Police Station of Bhubanesar

Once again lady was tortured in the police station under the Commissionerate police and this time it was the model police station of BharatpurPS of Bhubaneswar.

The police were refused to reduce in writing the complaint of this lady and her friends who was a major in the Indian Army. the provision of section 173(1) has been violated. the guidelines of the apex court given in the Lalita Kumari were also violated.

  • Upon question all the policemen became the antisocial as usually and
  • Caused the grievous hurt to the lady voluntarily,
  • Sexually harassed the lady by the IIC and others,
  • Booked in a false criminal case,
  • Detained illegally for 14 hours,
  • Arrested illegal violating the rule of law
  • Forwarded to the court illegally and arbitrarily
  • Instigated the Judicial magistrate to send her the Jail

Army Major Guruwansh Singh was detained illegally

The Army Major Mr. Guruwansh Singh was illegally detained in the police station for 14 hours without any charges.

He was wrongfully confined in the HAZAT of the police station for hours without any reason.

Indian Army Intervened.

  • Upon question all the policemen became the antisocial as usually and
  • His complaint was not registered.
  • Police sexually harassed his fiancé
  • Booked in a false criminal case,
  • Detained illegally for 14 hours,
  • his lady was Arrested illegal violating the rule of law
  • his lady was Forwarded to the court illegally and arbitrarily
  • Instigated the Judicial magistrate to send her the Jail

Police Committed the contempt of court

The  Police violated the guidelines of the apex court given in the case of Arneesh Kumar Vs State of Bihar and Satyendra Kumar Antil Vs CBI and the same has been violated under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy, intentioanlly, fradulently, dishonetly and for the wrongful gain.

Commissionerate Police does not have any respect for the rule of law, directions of the competent authority and the guidelines of the Supreme court.

The serion police station of the Commissionerate Police departments are also involved and instigating the officers of the police station to violate the rule of law.

Judical Magistrate Committed the contempt of court

The Hon’ble Supreme court of India categorically directed the High Courts of the State and DGPs to formulate the guidelines  to prevent the unnessessary arrest but The Judical Magistrate of Bhubaneswar violated the same under a deep-rooted criminal conspiray with the police department and acted as an AGENT of the Executive violating the constitutional provision of the article 50 which mandates for the separation of judiciary from executive.

The Magistrates of bhubaneswar opearates the Paisa Vahooli Racket in colusion with the police department and the officers of the court  and bails are only granted after the bribe or extortion amount is being collected and share. The Magistrates are authorising innocent in jail custody on the intigation of Police officers as a measure of punishment violating the rule of law direction(s) and the  competent authortiy(s) and the guidelines of the apex court given in the Arneesh Kumar and Satyendra Kumar Antil cases.

There is a provision for grant of the provisional bail but the same are not granted under a deep-rooted criminal conspiarcy as the jail authorisation are given as a measure of punishment on the instigation of the police department.

Both Magistrate courts and the Police department is acting on Quad Pro Quo basis for the wrongful gain violting the human and fundamental rights of the citizen of this country.

The Odisha High Court is not inspecting this court under a deep-rooted criminal conspriacy violating the rule of law and the guideliens of the apex court. It is also not taking any action as per the provision of the Article 227 of the COI,  u/s 484 of CrPC.,1973 or u/s 529 of BNSS-2023

The Hospitals which treated the accused Ankita Pradhan has violated the rule of law

the Jailor who admitted a grieviously injured accused is also a violators of rule of law

the DGP, Odisha suspended the erring policemen of the Bharatpur PS

The present Chief Minister Shri Mohan Majhi also had suffered such police atrocity

The Present Chief Minister of the Odisha Voluntarily confessed that he had also suffered such type of police atrocity while he was MLA.

Since was also made a victim of the police high handedness thus he ordered the CID-CB prob and appointed a commission of inquiry.

The CM also recalled the misbehavior of the District Collection of Keonjhar to a minister of state who is now the PRESIDENT OF INDIA acting as the agent of the ruling political party BJD.

The CM also attracted the attention of the competent authorities of each department as many public services are implanted in the same district since long as the ACP of the Bharatpur Police Station is implanted in the Commissionerate police since last 15 years under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy so that he can operate the Paisa Vahooli Racket.

M.R.Garanaik another ACP of Bhubaneswar-UPD is also implanted in the city of Bhubaneswar for last 10 years and operates the extortion and illegal collection of money rackets.

Similarly 100 of public servants and police officers hold the posts in the same city, departments, and district for long violating the rule of law.

Almost all the police stations have becomes the torture and extortion centres as the SPs/DCPs are not inpecting the police stations under their jurisdiction as per the provision of ODisha PMR No. 37(a)

The District Magistrates are also supporting to becoming of the police st the same as they are not inspecting

The CM directed the DM to identify such public servants and transfer the same.

Evern The Current Minister Shri Mohan Charan Majhi has been hassed by the IIC and other policemen of the Police Station and the IIC regused to registered the FIR even of the offence disclosed the cognizable in nature and misbehabed by saying “GET OUT”

Odisha Government Direct CID-CB to register the FIR against the erring policemen

Crime No. 315 of 2024 is registered in the Chandaka PS against the College Students

The crime No.315 of 2024 has been registered against those college student who have Road rage with the Army Major and his fiance on the high of Dt. 15-09-2024.

  • The victims have not lodged this FIR 
  • The FIR is registered violating rule of law crafted in s-173(1) of BNSS-2023, direction of the CID-CB vide notification No. 31797 Dt. 31-08-2019 and the guidelines issued by the apex court given in the case of Commissionerate Police Vs Devender Anand & Ors, Criminal Appeal no. 834 of2017
  • The accused students are booked illegally as their statement u/s 189 of BNSS-2023 never appreciated.
  • They have been arrested illegally.
  • They have been forwarded to court illegally.
  • The FIR made sensitive under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy.

Complaint Filed before the Odisha Human Rights Commissison

Odisha State Commission of Women intervened into the matter​

The Odisha State Women’s Commission (OSWC) has registered a suo moto case in connection with the alleged custodial assault of an Army officer and his fiancée at the Bharatpur police station in Bhubaneswar and has launched an investigation into the matter.

The Commission’s Chairperson Minati Behera and team on Friday visited Bharatpur police station and enquired about the matter.

“We have written a letter to the DCP for a proper and speedy enquiry into the matter and punish the guilty. We are hopeful that the victim will get justice,” said Behera speaking to media persons.

Notably, the National Commission for Women (NCW) has also sought an action taken report (ATR) from DGP YB Khurania in the matter.  The NCW has sought the ATR within three days

SCW Chairperson Minati Behera herself visited the Bharatpur police station on Friday to inquire about the incident. She held discussions with the staff and collected some case-related documents.

Speaking to reporters after visiting the police station, Ms. Behera said, “We have suo-motu taken the case and started an inquiry. As the crime branch has taken over the case, they took away the documents. So, we have collected whatever documents available with the Bharatpur police station.”

Ms. Behera said she will visit the victim’s house and talk to her. The commission will also visit the office of the crime branch to collect required documents and discuss with the investigating officials, she said.

Hon'ble Orissa High Court granted bail to Ankita Pradhan

The Hon’ble Orissa High Court granted gail to Ankita Pradhan the victim of the custodial violence and found the Police, Judicial magistrate, The Doctor and the Hospital the guilty and the violators of the rule of law, direction(s) of the competent authority(s) and the guidelines of the apex court.

The registration of FIR illegal

The Doctors’ and Hospitals’ reports were found to be false 

The arrest and the forwarding of the lady accused  to court violating the rule of law as police should have given bail from the police station.

And the authorisation to the jail custody by the Magistrate was also wring and directed the District Court of Khurda to take departmental action against the erring judicial magistrate as the magistrate failed to comply with the guidelines of the apex court given in the Arnesh Kumar and Satyendra Kumar Antil cases.

Judicial Magistrate acted like the agent of the Police department on Qua Pro Quo basis and the police is not taking any action against the corruption prevailing in the court and the court is not taking any action agiasnt the corruption prevailin in the police station.


Senior Army Officer Meet with Hon'ble Chief Justice of Orissa High Court

Lt. General of Indian Army Shri P.S. Sekharwat wrote the Chief Justice of the Hon’ble Orissa High Court to take suo-moto cognizance into the matter of high-handedness of the police department and custodial violence on a women and Army Major and the same was done on the direction of the CJ who assured him of the cognizance.

Taking suo motu cognizance into the matter the Honable Oriss High Court in the case of WP(C) 23735 of 2024 decide on Dt. 23-09-2023 the court have given certain directions as mentioned in the gist and order.

The Court also Observed the followings;

Court’s Observations

After hearing the top Government lawyer, the Chief Justice asserted that this unfortunate incident happened to an Army Officer but the same would never have happened to a senior IPS Officer.

“You will have to take some policy decisions as to how will you treat the army personnel. They come from the borders, they come from outside and this is the treatment they get…It’s a clarion call for all of you to take appropriate action.” he added.

So far as the request of the State to the High Court to monitor the probe is concerned, the Bench declined the same observing:

“Needless to say that power and duty of an investigating agency to investigate into a cognizable offence is statutory and unless there are exceptional circumstances, the Courts should not interfere. For the present, we do not find any reason to monitor the investigation. The Court expects that the investigating agency shall act independently and fairly.”

While dictating the order, the Chief Justice remarked that despite of stringent directions passed by the Apex Court in D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal and Paramvir Singh Saini (supra), the State has failed to install the CCTV cameras in the concerned police station.

He also recorded the submission of the AG that out of 650 police station of the State, 593 police stations are equipped with CCTV cameras and some of the newly constructed police stations do not have the facility.

The Court made it clear that for the time being it shall only look into the facilities available in different police stations of the State. It directed the Additional Director General (Modernization) to submit a report based on the information available at the headquarters as regards the availability of CCTV facilities in all the police stations of the State.

Based on his report, the Court said, it shall issue further directions so as to implement the guidelines of the Supreme Court in true letter and spirit.

Before parting with the order, the Court observed:

“It is also disturbing that the occurrence has taken place with an army officer, who was on leave. The Court would like to know from the State Government as to what steps it intends to take to protect the dignity of the personnel of the armed forces in different situations.”

and Passed the order List this matter on 08.10.2024.

One RTI Application is filed before the Home Department asking for the arrangement made for the registration of all pending FIR and for those for whom the police stations are not reacheable or approcheable for the high-handedness of the police.

National Commission for Women also took suo-motu cognizance into the matter

Horrifying details of a lawyer and her fiancé, an Indian army captain being allegedly subjected to gross misbehaviour and physical abuse at a city police station, where they had gone seeking help against a gang of hooligans chasing them, have sent shockwaves across Odisha while leaving the entire police establishment red-faced. 

With pressure mounting from all sides — even the National Commission for Women (NCW) has taken suo motu cognisance of the incident and sought an action taken report — director general of police (DGP) Y.B. Khurania ordered a Crime Branch probe into the case and has placed five cops accused of misbehavior with the couple under suspension, but there are no signs of public uproar over the issue subsiding anytime soon. 


Government of Odisha Constitute Commission of Inquiry under the act of 1952

Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi on Monday, ordered a judicial inquiry into the alleged violence against an Army Captain and his fiancee in police custody at Bharatpur Police Station in Bhubaneswar.

The Chief Minister’s Office informed that the inquiry will be conducted by Judge Justice Chittaranjan Das, and the Commission has been requested to submit the report within 60 days.

“Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi today ordered a judicial inquiry into the Bharatpur police station incident. The said inquiry will be conducted by Judge Justice Chittaranjan Das. The Commission has been requested to submit its report within 60 days,” the Odisha CMO stated in a post on X (Twitter).

“Along with this, the High Court has been requested to speed up the criminal investigation under the direct supervision of the High Court. It is worth noting that the Chief Minister has laid maximum emphasis on the rule of law. Along with this, the state government also has respect for the Indian Army,” the post added.
It further said that the concerned police officers have been suspended and a case has also been registered against them.

“The state government is fully concerned about the dignity, safety and rights of women. The police officers concerned have been suspended and a case has also been registered against them. Action has been taken against the youth involved in the incident,” the CMO said.The incident reportedly took place on September 15 when the Army Major and the woman went to the Bharatpur police station to complain against some miscreants, who had harassed them while returning from a hotel late at night. Instead of addressing their concerns, the police allegedly tortured the Major and the woman, even sending her to jail without any justification.

Earlier on Sunday, the District Court granted bail to all seven accused in the alleged assault case of the Army officer and his fiancée. 

Krushna Prasad Dash, Additional DCP, Bhubaneswar, said that they have registered a case under several sections of the BNS.

But The Hon’ble Orissa High Court refused to monitor the inquiry and the investigation of CID-CB.

Retired Justice Shri Chittaranjan Das appointed as The Commissioner of Inquriy.

Gazette Notification

CCTV System of the Bharatpur PS was removed intentionally & for the wrongful gain.

26 CCTV cameras were installed when the Model police station of Bharatpur was inaugurated on Dt. 30-12-2020 but on later stage the same were removed to convert the police station into the torture and extortion centre.

Intallation of CCTV camera and recording of the same is mandatory as per the guidelines of the Supreme court of India given in the Dilip Kumar Basu Vs State of West Bengal, SC decided on 24-07-2015.

The Honable Supreme court re0iterated the same in 2020 in the case of Paramvir Singh Saini’s Judgement.

The officer of the commissionerate police and Odisha police do not have any respoect for the rule of law, direction(s) of the competent authority(s) and the guideliene(s) of the Apex court because they are protected by their corrupt senior officer and legislator for whom they are acting as the collection agents for the collection of illegal money as the post and polie stations ar bought and sold for money and for the same the corrupt and tainted officers are made the IIC, ACP and DCP of the police department instead of removing them from the police force.

The tainted ACP never reported the same the Senior officer and DCP officer. Whenever the ACP is going he is removing the CCTV camera and recording system from the police stations under his jurisdiction so that the extortion and illegal collection of money racket can be run smoothly as the post and police stations are bought and sold and he is specifically implanted in the Commisisonerate Police department since 15 years and never get transfered.

The DCP never reported in his inspection report made under Odisha PMR No. 37(a)

The District Magistrate never reported the same in his inspection report made under the Odisha PMR No. 21.

The OHRC never inspected or reported the same in their inspection report made as per the provision of the Section 12(c) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.

All the above mentioned public offices and officers acted like the agents of each other for wrongful gain on Quad Pro Quo basis and the same has been done under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy, intentionally, dishonestly, frdulently and for the wrongful gain and the deceitful means has caused injury to many.

Application under Article 311(2)(b) of Constitution of India to remove the erring Policemen

An Article by Mohammad Wasim : Advocate Supreme Court

Both the DCP and Commissioners were removed after the incident

on Dt. 01-10-2024 administrative change in the state, the Odisha government has initiated a significant police reshuffle across the state. As part of the reshuffle, 50 IPS officers, including Bhubaneswar Police Commissioner Sanjeeb Panda and DCP Prateek Singh, have been transferred. Panda, who held the position for only nine months, has been appointed ADG training and director of the Biju Patnaik State Police Academy (BPSPA). Singh has been posted as SP Cuttack (rural). This is the first major reshuffle by the newly elected BJP government, shortly after Chief Minister Mohan Majhi called for time-bound transfers during a district collectors’ conference.

DCP Prateek Singh was seen giving byte to the ANI and misleading the nation about the actual facts and circumstances of the incident at the Bharatpur Police station which is under his jurisdiction as a DCP but he never visited any police station to inspect the same under the provision of the Odisha PMR No. 37(a).

Under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy, he refused to give any byte to the local media as the local media know that the Bharatpur Police Station is used as the torture and extortion center and the CCTV cameras and recording system have been removed.

DCP Prateek Singh never complied to any rule of law, directions of the competent authority(s), and the guidelines of the Supreme Court and High Court considering himself above the law, and his section officers submitted the RTI reply, and inquiry report before the OHRC, Mahila commissioner etc. by putting the false signature of the DCP Prateek Singh all the time.

DCP Prateek Singh is not complying with the provision of the District Police Complaint Authority and District Acquittal Review Committee. 

It is a universal fact that th  Bharatpur Police station is being used as the torture and extortion centre after removing the installed CCTV cameras and recording system under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy and the same is also admitted by the Senior lawyer Byomkesh Tripathy of Bhubaneswar.

Another Incident like Bharatpur Police Station by the same officers

Another Lady Laxmi Dakua was assaulted by the Khandagiri PS where the same officer Tapas Pradhan of the Bharatpur PS is in charge as an ACP.

Wherever The Tainted police officer Tapas Chandra Pradhan is going he is converting the police station into the torture and extortion center after removing the CCTV camera and recording system.

01. That, since the post and police stations are bought and sold for crores of rupees by these tainted ACP then they are starting the operation of the parallel officer and facilitating the compromise between the accused and victim for wrongful gain violating the rule of law.

02. That, on 24-08-2024 one lady namely Laxmi Dakua was compelled to come at night in the Khandagiri Police station for illegal negotiation and the tainted ACP compelled her to compromise with the opposition party and pay the compensation of Rs.50K for the illegal act. upon protest, the lady was assaulted using the 3rd Degree methods, threatened to rape in the Hazzat by policemen and after killing her the body will be buried so that the family member will not get any trace of her.

03.  Complaint No. SP2024714668 Dt. 29-08-2024.

The complaint filed never redressed as per the rules of law , directions of the competent authority and the guidelines of the supreme court of India as the same was entrusted to the same tainted ACP Taps Chandra Pradhan who closed the case illegally and arbitrarily on 03-09-2024 which again proves that the commissionerate police is running on the principles that THE ACCUSED WILL INQUIRE THE CASE THEN WHO WILL TOUCH US.

04.  Complaint No. SP2024714672 Dt. 29-08-2024.

The DM Khurda is not inspecting the police station under his jurisdiction as per the provision of the Odisha PMR No.21 which caused the conversion of the police stations to torture and extortion centres and the District Magistrate / Collector also entrusted the inquiry to the same ACP Tapas Kumar Pradhan who closed the case illegally and arbitrarily.

04.  OHRC Complaint No. 2461 of 2024

The Odisha Human Rights Commission have taken cognizance into the matter and issued inquiry by DCP, Bhubaneswar on Dt. 03-09-2024′ order. and put the next Dt. on  12-12-2024.

Since the public servants are acting as the agent of each other and working in collusion of each other so the people of the state lost the 24 years ruling BJD government in the 2024 assemble election.

The new CM Shri Mohan Majhi also confessed on the same by saying “SE DINA PAKHALA AU NAHIN”


The DGP Odisha Police voluntarily confessed that the police officers are engaged in the operation of the Paisa Vahsooli Racket.

Zero Tolerance Policy against corruption announced by the New BJP Government

Another Bharatpur PS Bhubaneswar like incident happened in the Bhandari Pokhari PS

Another Bharatpur PS Bhubaneswar like incident happened in the BADAGADA PS. of BBSR-UPD.

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