Dr. Dilbag Singh Thakur, the practicing doctor of the SCB Medical college and Hospital has been falsely implicated in the crime No.201 of 2024 registered as the Managalabag Police Station violating the rule of law crafted in section 173 of BNSS-2023 as the Exception 1 of the Section 63 of the BSN-2023 states that the Medical Procedure and Interventions are not Rape.
The FIR is registered violating the direction of the CID-CB issued vide notification No. 31787 Dt. 31-08-2029 issued in compliance of the Supreme court guidelines given in the case of Commissionerate Police Vs Devender Anand & Anr, Crl. Appeal 834 of 2017.
The crime is registered violating the guidelines of the apex court given in the Lalita Kumari Vs State of UP. WP. Crl 68 of 2008 which mandates for the initial inquiry in the matter of Medical disputes but police failed to comply with this provision and did not appreciate the statement of the accused given u/s 189 0f BNSS-2023 violating the Principles of Natural Justice also.
The FIR of the family member which was registered as the crime No.202 of 2024 was made sensitive under a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy.
The ADCP Anil Kumar Mishra was found violating the guidelines of the central government Dt. 01-04-2010 which restricted the police from media brief within 48 hrs but the same was done violating the fundamental right of the accused and for the wrongful gain. Ther direction of the advisory also been violated by the ADCP who appeared before different new media and stated the Intentions of the accused whereas the same were the preparation of the crime. The ADCP also rejected the allegation of the family members and Doctor as the criminal conspiracy hatched against them violating the guidelines of the apex court and the advisory of the central government thus acting as the agent of the Opp. party(s).
The Mangalabag police station and Commissionerate Police Cuttack-UPD is running for mere formality as it is in the hands of incompetent, impotent and powerless people who acting on the instigation of people, Opposition party(s) and media.