The Direction to Curve the Sun-stroke death is violated

State Government issued the direction on Dt. 05-04-2023 directing all the District collectors and Labours Officer to curve the death due to the summer heat and sun strike but no one bothered to complying with the direction as all were in their air conditioned chambers which caused 100 of sun strike death but the Government and its department do not have any idea towards the same.
The Lawyers of the Advocates Chamber filed the RTI application and complaint to get information and to book the erring public servants

The District Collector of Sambalpur does nothing to comply with the direction of the State Government given on Dt. 05-04-2024 to curve the sun stroke death during the summer 2024 which caused the death of at least 7 innocent people.
The PIO of the Collector office refused to provide the details of the deceased so that the compensation can be provided to the family.
The DM and the JLC are taking their salaries from the taxpayers money which is the charge on the consolidated fund of the the state but acting as the agent of the rulling government and political parties.