Hon'ble Orissa high Court acted like an agent of the rulling govennment and political party by protesting the Home and Police Department of the State and erring police officer causing the state of Odisha to become a police State.
The Odisha Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has taken a significant step by directing the state Home Secretary and Director General of Police (DGP) to pay an interim compensation of ₹10,000 to Raju Mohanta, a poor tribal boy. Mohanta was reportedly beaten up and kicked by Inspector-in-Charge (IIC) Sandhyarani Jena inside the Patana Police Station in Keonjhar Police District. The OHRC’s decision came after Rights activist Manoj Jena filed a petition, and a division bench of the Commission, led by Chairperson Justice B. P. Das and Member Asim Amitabh Das, ordered the compensation to be paid within ten days from the date of receipt of the order. It’s heartening to see efforts to uphold human rights and seek justice for victims of misconduct and abuse by public servants.
The erring lady IIC took shelter of the Advocate General to file a petition in the high court against the order of the OHRC who succeeded in procuring a favorable order from the high court on the ground that the principle of natural justice of the erring IIC was violated. The High Court agreed with her and told the OHRC to hear her version first even of the assault video is getting viral on social media and what else the erring IIC has to say in her defect where she has been suspended by the police department and sent for the refreshment training.
It is very sad to see that the high court and its presiding judges do not have any idea about the doctrine of natural justice and exception and the doctrine of empty formalities. the people of the state and the lawyers believe that the Orissa HC is the abettor of the custodial violence and death in the state and must be prosecuted as NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.
The murderers are roaming freely in the society and the college professors and college students have been behind the bar since last four years but the high court is inviting the accused police officer to its meeting etc as the guest. i.e ( IPS Arun Bothra )